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Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9781405157001 1405157003 Year: 2012 Publisher: Chichester Wiley Blackwell

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An authoritative guide to the epidemiology, incidence, testing and diagnosis and management of HIV and AIDS. From an international expert editor and contributor team, this new sixth edition includes expanded coverage of HIV testing, assessment and routine follow up and new chapters outlining problematic conditions associated with HIV and AIDS. Prevention strategies, early diagnosis and antiretroviral drugs and pharmacotherapy are covered in detail as well as children and women with HIV. It also addresses key psychological and mental health issues, patient perspectives and the role of patient engagement. As knowledge into the illness grows and major advances in HIV therapy see more people living with HIV in the community, the ABC of HIV and AIDS, 6e provides clear practical guidance for general practitioners, hospital doctors, nurses, medical students, counsellors, allied health workers and anyone working and caring for patients with HIV and AIDS.

Acute and chronic wounds : current management concepts
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780323069434 Year: 2016 Publisher: St.Louis (Miss.) Elsevier

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Reflecting the latest technologic advances and therapies, the extensively revised new edition of Ruth Bryant and Denise Nix's Acute and Chronic Wounds: Current Management Concepts remains your #1 source for today's best information on wound care. Using a strong nursing process and multidisciplinary approach, this best-selling title is an all-inclusive resource for anyone involved in the care of acute surgical wounds and all types of chronic wounds.

Bennett & Brachman's hospital infections
ISBN: 9780781763837 0781763835 Year: 2007 Publisher: Philadelphia Wolters Kluwer

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Ziekenhuishygiëne : beknopte praktijkgids
ISBN: 9789044122527 Year: 2008 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Al te vaak lopen patiënten een infectie op in het ziekenhuis. Het probleem is inderdaad groot. Bovendien berichten de media hierover geregeld ongenuanceerd en zelfs onjuist. Terwijl de zorgsector zichzelf almaar strengere normen oplegt.Dit boek biedt een antwoord op vele problemen. Het is ontstaan uit zijn jarenlange praktijkervaring in ziekenhuisinfectiebeheersing en de talrijke vragen van gezondheidsinspectie, patiënten en hun familie, gezondheidswerkers, ziekenhuizen, Een tiental specialisten hebben de tekst becommentarieerd.Het eerste deel is toelichting bij belangrijke begrippen, van Ao-waarde tot zwangere vrouwen. Daarna volgt een overzicht van voorzorgsmaatregelen bij infecties. Een derde deel somt de klinische syndromen of symptomen op waarbij best voorzorgsmaatregelen worden genomen tot de diagnose is gesteld.Het boek is bedoeld voor medici en paramedici die te maken hebben met de zorg voor hygiëne in ziekenhuizen, woon- en zorgcentra, bij de thuiszorg, in de eerstelijnsgezondheid,Uit de inhoud:Alfabetische vraagbaak - Alfabetisch overzicht m.b.t. aard en duur van voorzorgsmaatregelen voor geselecteerde infecties en condities - Klinische syndromen of symptomen waarbij empirisch voorzorgsmaatregelen genomen worden tot de diagnose bekend is - Bibliografie en trefwoordenregister. Over de auteur(s):Guido Demaiter studeerde Ziekenhuisverpleegkunde aan de KATHO in Kortrijk en Medisch-sociale wetenschappen en ziekenhuisbeleid, optie beleid en opleiding van de verpleegkunde, aan de KU Leuven. Daarnaast volgde hij de academische initiële lerarenopleiding. Hij is ziekenhuishygiënist in het Kortrijkse fusieziekenhuis AZ Groeninge.

Fundamentals of infection prevention and control : theory and practice
ISBN: 9781118306659 1118306651 9781118307694 1118307690 9781118307700 1118307704 9781118307717 1118307712 9781118673836 1118673832 9781118673881 1118673883 Year: 2013 Publisher: Wiley Blackwell

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Infection prevention and control is an essential component of nursing care, and a crucially important subject area for both nursing students and qualified nurses. Fundamentals of Infection Prevention and Control gives readers a firm grasp of the principles of infection control, how they relate to clinical practice and the key issues surrounding the subject. It provides a comprehensive guide to the prevention, management and control of healthcare associated infections, and the basic elements of microbiology, immunology and epidemiology that underpin them.Thoroughly revised in line with current policy, this new edition contains brand-new chapters on a range of topics including the role of the Infection Prevention and Control Team, audit and surveillance, and the management of outbreaks. Also incorporating a range of case studies and examples as well as additional online content, it is essential reading for all nursing students as well as qualified nursing and healthcare professionals.

Hygiëne in het ziekenhuis : handboek infectiepreventie voor verpleegkundigen
ISBN: 9789462927445 9789033493461 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leuven Acco

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Infectiepreventie is een basiskenmerk van professionele zorgverlening. Een goed inzicht in alle mogelijke infectiebronnen en overdrachtswegen kan besmettingen helpen voorkomen. Alleen zo kunnen preventieve maatregelen uitgewerkt worden, die ziekenhuisinfecties tot een minimum beperken. Dit handboek zet alle aspecten van infectiepreventie duidelijk uiteen, zowel voor de basiszorg als voor gespecialiseerde verpleegtechnische handelingen. Nieuw aan deze druk is een uitbreiding van de online content, voor het eerst aangeboden op het dynamische en gebruiksvriendelijke online leerplatform Sofia.De volgende onderwerpen komen uitgebreid aan bod in het boek en in het digitale oefenmateriaal: ziekenhuisinfecties; handhygiëne; reiniging, ontsmetting en sterilisatie van oppervlakken, materiaal, instrumenten en levende weefsels; algemene voorzorgsmaatregelen en isolatiemaatregelen, in het bijzonder voor MRSA, Clostridium en Bijzonder Resistente Micro-organismen; urineweginfecties; wondinfecties; bloedbaaninfecties; luchtweginfecties; voeding; linnen; afvalverwijdering; registratie van ziekenhuisinfecties, zorgbundels, patiëntveiligheid en FONA; veiligheids- en gezondheidsdiensten in ziekenhuizen. Bij elk onderwerp worden de verschillende aspecten van kwaliteitszorg besproken, zoals geschikte materiële voorzieningen, procesbewaking en resultaatopvolging.De didactische opbouw maakt dit boek uitermate geschikt als handboek voor de opleiding verpleegkunde. Bovendien is het een nuttig naslagwerk voor elke medische en paramedische hulpverlener.


Cross Infection --- Nursing. --- Infection Control. --- ziekenhuishygiëne --- ziekenhuisinfecties --- infectiepreventie --- 614.3 --- 613.49 --- 614.5 --- hygiëne --- Ziekenhuishygiëne --- Ziekenhuisinfecties (nosocomiale infecties) --- Infectiepreventie --- 604.84 --- Hygiëne --- 614 --- ziekenhuis (gez) --- 614.4 --- Control, Infection --- Infection --- Communicable Disease Control --- Nursings --- prevention & control. --- verzekeringsgeneeskunde, bedrijfsgeneeskunde en -hygiëne, arbeidsfysiologie, beroepsziekten, veiligheidstechniek, ergonomie, schadepreventie, veiligheid in en om het huis --- Overige onderwerpen --- Voorkoming en bestrijding van ziekten; algemeen - Preventie --- Prevention and control of communicable (infectious, contagious) diseases. Prevention of epidemics --- prevention & control --- handhygiëne --- General microbiology --- ziekenhuisafval --- Nursing --- isoleren (geneeskunde) --- ontsmetting (geneeskunde) --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- Medische hygiëne ; ziekenhuizen --- Nosocomial infections --- Prevention --- Hospitals --- Health aspects --- Belgium --- Sanitation --- Communicable diseases --- verpleegkunde --- PXL-Healthcare 2013 --- Infection Control --- Health Care Associated Infection --- Health Care Associated Infections --- Healthcare Associated Infections --- Infection, Cross --- Infections, Hospital --- Infections, Nosocomial --- Hospital Infections --- Nosocomial Infections --- Cross Infections --- Healthcare Associated Infection --- Hospital Infection --- Infection, Healthcare Associated --- Infection, Hospital --- Infection, Nosocomial --- Infections, Cross --- Infections, Healthcare Associated --- Nosocomial Infection --- Staphylococcal Infections --- Community-Acquired Infections --- Catheter-Related Infections --- Infections --- Besmettelijke ziekten --- Handhygiëne --- Sterilisatie (vruchtbaarheid) --- Isolatie --- Voedingshygiëne --- Afvalbeperking --- Veiligheid patiënt --- Gezondheidsinstellingen --- Besmettelijke ziekte --- Isolatie (bouw) --- Gezondheidsinstelling --- Isolatie (afzondering) --- Medische hygi&#235;ne ; ziekenhuizen

Manual of infection prevention and control
ISBN: 9780199698356 019969835X Year: 2012 Publisher: Oxford Oxford University Press

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It has been estimated that in developed countries up to 10% of hospitalized patients develop infections every year. Not only is there a substantial cost to healthcare systems, but some healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) can be fatal. Since the majority of HCAIs are preventable, reducing HCIAs is now considered to be an integral part of patient safety and quality of care provided by all healthcare institutions worldwide. Unlike other books on infection control, the main strength of this book is to provide clear, up-to-date and practical guidance in infection control in an easy to read format which can act as a quick source of reference on all aspects of HCAIs for healthcare workers who are either directly or indirectly involved in prevention and control of HCAIs.

Hospital epidemiology and infection control
ISBN: 9781608313006 160831300X 9781469874272 146987427X Year: 2011 Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

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Thoroughly revised and updated for its fourth edition, this highly acclaimed volume is the most comprehensive reference on hospital epidemiology and infection control. Written by over 150 leading experts, this new edition examines every type of hospital-acquired (nosocomial) infection and addresses every issue relating to surveillance, prevention, and control of these infections in patients and in healthcare workers. This new edition features new or significantly increased coverage of emerging infectious diseases, avian influenza, governmental regulation of infection control and payment practices related to hospital-acquired infections, molecular epidemiology, the increasing prevalence of community-acquired MRSA in healthcare facilities, system-wide infection control provisions for healthcare systems, hospital infection control issues following natural disasters, and antimicrobial stewardship in reducing the development of antimicrobial-resistant organisms.

HIV en AIDS : een handleiding voor gezondheidswerkers
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9058670805 Year: 2000 Publisher: Leuven Universitaire Pers

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1. Algemene beschouwingen2. Antiretrovirale therapie bij volwassenen3. Infecties en tumoren bij HIV-geinfecteerden4. Counseling5.Verpleegkundige aspecten bij de verzorging van HIV-geinfecteerde patiënten


AIDS (Disease) --- HIV infections --- Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome --- HIV Infections --- HIV Seropositivity --- 616.97 --- AIDS --- Immunologie --- Infectieziekten --- Preventie --- Therapie --- Tumors --- Verzorging --- 605.92 --- aids (gez) --- HIV --- Infecties --- opportunistische infecties (gez) --- 616.008 --- Aids (Acquired Immune Deficience Syndrome, HIV-infectie) --- Besmettelijke ziekten (babesiosis,infectie, infectieziekten) --- Counseling --- Verpleegkundig beroep --- aids (Acquired Immune Defcience Syndrome, hiv, humaan immunodeficiëntievirus) --- bedrijfshygiëne --- Aids --- Academic collection --- #KVHB:AIDS --- #KVHB:Gezondheidspsychologie --- HIV (Viruses) infections --- HTLV-III infections --- HTLV-III-LAV infections --- Human T-lymphotropic virus III infections --- Lentivirus infections --- Sexually transmitted diseases --- Acquired immune deficiency syndrome --- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome --- Acquired immunological deficiency syndrome --- Immunological deficiency syndromes --- Virus-induced immunosuppression --- nursing --- (zie ook: beroepshygiëne) --- Nursing --- AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) --- Sexology --- Infectious diseases. Communicable diseases --- HIV infecties --- Oncologie --- Besmettelijke ziekten --- Virussen (biologie) --- Verpleegkunde --- 605.11 --- basisverpleegkunde --- besmettelijke ziekten --- gezondheidszorg --- microbiologie --- verpleegkunde --- virologie --- Besmettelijke ziekte --- Virus (biologie)

Postpolio syndrome
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781437711455 1437711456 9781560536062 1560536063 Year: 2004 Publisher: Philadelphia Hanley & Belfus

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Human medicine --- Kinderverlamming --- Syndroom (ziektebeeld) --- Chronische pijn --- Diagnose --- Postpoliomyelitis syndrome --- Poliomyelitis --- Muscular Disorders, Atrophic --- Neurodegenerative Diseases --- Nervous System Diseases --- Myelitis --- Central Nervous System Viral Diseases --- Spinal Cord Diseases --- Muscular Diseases --- Neuromuscular Diseases --- Enterovirus Infections --- Central Nervous System Infections --- Diseases --- Central Nervous System Diseases --- Musculoskeletal Diseases --- Picornaviridae Infections --- Virus Diseases --- RNA Virus Infections --- Postpoliomyelitis Syndrome --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- Infectious Diseases --- Spinal Cord Disorders --- Myelopathy --- Myelopathies --- Spinal Cord Disease --- Spinal Cord Disorder --- Central Nervous System Viral Infections --- Infections, CNS, Viral --- Infections, Viral CNS --- Viral Infections, Central Nervous System --- CNS Viral Diseases --- Viral Diseases, Central Nervous System --- CNS Infection, Viral --- CNS Infections, Viral --- CNS Viral Disease --- Disease, CNS Viral --- Diseases, CNS Viral --- Infection, Viral CNS --- Viral CNS Infection --- Viral CNS Infections --- Viral Disease, CNS --- Viral Diseases, CNS --- Infectious Myelitis --- Inflammation, Spinal Cord --- Myelopathy, Inflammatory --- Spinal Cord Inflammation --- Subacute Necrotizing Myelitis --- Inflammations, Spinal Cord --- Inflammatory Myelopathies --- Inflammatory Myelopathy --- Myelitides --- Myelitides, Subacute Necrotizing --- Myelitis, Infectious --- Myelitis, Subacute Necrotizing --- Myelopathies, Inflammatory --- Necrotizing Myelitides, Subacute --- Necrotizing Myelitis, Subacute --- Spinal Cord Inflammations --- Subacute Necrotizing Myelitides --- Nervous System Disorders --- Neurological Disorders --- Neurologic Disorders --- Disease, Nervous System --- Diseases, Nervous System --- Disorder, Nervous System --- Disorder, Neurologic --- Disorder, Neurological --- Disorders, Nervous System --- Disorders, Neurologic --- Disorders, Neurological --- Nervous System Disease --- Nervous System Disorder --- Neurologic Disorder --- Neurological Disorder --- Neurology --- Degenerative Diseases, Central Nervous System --- Degenerative Diseases, Neurologic --- Degenerative Diseases, Spinal Cord --- Degenerative Neurologic Diseases --- Degenerative Neurologic Disorders --- Nervous System Degenerative Diseases --- Neurodegenerative Disorders --- Neurologic Degenerative Conditions --- Neurologic Degenerative Diseases --- Neurologic Diseases, Degenerative --- Degenerative Diseases, Nervous System --- Degenerative Condition, Neurologic --- Degenerative Conditions, Neurologic --- Degenerative Neurologic Disease --- Degenerative Neurologic Disorder --- Neurodegenerative Disease --- Neurodegenerative Disorder --- Neurologic Degenerative Condition --- Neurologic Degenerative Disease --- Neurologic Disease, Degenerative --- Neurologic Disorder, Degenerative --- Neurologic Disorders, Degenerative --- Atrophic Muscular Disorders --- Spinopontine Atrophy --- Atrophy, Disuse --- Atrophy, Spinopontine --- Atrophic Muscular Disorder --- Atrophies, Disuse --- Atrophies, Spinopontine --- Disorder, Atrophic Muscular --- Disorders, Atrophic Muscular --- Disuse Atrophies --- Disuse Atrophy --- Muscular Disorder, Atrophic --- Spinopontine Atrophies --- Muscular Atrophy --- Encephalitis, Polio --- Epidemic Acute Poliomyelitis --- Polio Encephalitis --- Poliomyelitis Infection --- Poliomyelitis, Acute --- Infantile Paralysis --- Polio --- Poliomyelitis, Nonpoliovirus --- Poliomyelitis, Preparalytic --- Acute Poliomyelitis --- Acute Poliomyelitis, Epidemic --- Infection, Poliomyelitis --- Infections, Poliomyelitis --- Nonpoliovirus Poliomyelitis --- Paralysis, Infantile --- Poliomyelitides, Preparalytic --- Poliomyelitis Infections --- Poliomyelitis, Epidemic Acute --- Polios --- Preparalytic Poliomyelitis --- Post-polio syndrome --- Postpolio syndrome --- Postpoliomyelitis muscular atrophy --- Muscular atrophy --- Syndromes --- Post-Poliomyelitis Muscular Atrophy --- Muscular Atrophy, Postpoliomyelitis --- Post-Polio Syndrome --- Post-Poliomyelitis Syndrome --- Postpoliomyelitis Muscular Atrophy --- Muscular Atrophies, Post-Poliomyelitis --- Muscular Atrophies, Postpoliomyelitis --- Muscular Atrophy, Post-Poliomyelitis --- Post Poliomyelitis Muscular Atrophy --- Post Poliomyelitis Syndrome --- Post-Polio Syndromes --- Post-Poliomyelitis Muscular Atrophies --- Postpoliomyelitis Muscular Atrophies --- Infections, RNA Virus --- Infection, RNA Virus --- RNA Virus Infection --- Virus Infection, RNA --- Virus Infections, RNA --- Viral Diseases --- Viral Infections --- Virus Infections --- Disease, Viral --- Disease, Virus --- Diseases, Viral --- Diseases, Virus --- Infection, Viral --- Infection, Virus --- Infections, Viral --- Infections, Virus --- Viral Disease --- Viral Infection --- Virus Disease --- Virus Infection --- Infections, Picornaviridae --- Infections, Picornavirus --- Picornavirus Infections --- Infection, Picornaviridae --- Infection, Picornavirus --- Picornaviridae Infection --- Picornavirus Infection --- Orthopedic Disorders --- Musculoskeletal Disease --- Orthopedic Disorder --- CNS Diseases --- Central Nervous System Disorders --- CNS Disease --- Central Nervous System Disease --- Central Nervous System Disorder --- Central Nervous System Infection --- Infections, Central Nervous System --- CNS Infections --- CNS Infection --- Infection, CNS --- Infections, CNS --- Infections, Enterovirus --- Enterovirus Infection --- Infection, Enterovirus --- Cramp-Fasciculation Syndrome --- Fasciculation-Cramp Syndrome, Benign --- Foley-Denny-Brown Syndrome --- Oppenheim's Disease --- Amyotonia Congenita --- Oppenheim Disease --- Benign Fasciculation-Cramp Syndrome --- Benign Fasciculation-Cramp Syndromes --- Cramp Fasciculation Syndrome --- Cramp-Fasciculation Syndromes --- Fasciculation Cramp Syndrome, Benign --- Fasciculation-Cramp Syndromes, Benign --- Foley Denny Brown Syndrome --- Neuromuscular Disease --- Oppenheims Disease --- Syndrome, Cramp-Fasciculation --- Syndrome, Foley-Denny-Brown --- Syndromes, Cramp-Fasciculation --- Myopathic Conditions --- Muscle Disorders --- Myopathies --- Muscle Disorder --- Muscular Disease --- Myopathic Condition --- Myopathy --- Complications

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